Many scientists and psychiatrists are extensively studying the children’s ‘past-life recognition’. These studies are conducted to prove whether the consciousness of an individual can survive even beyond his/ her physical realm.

In 1960, late Dr. Ian Stevenson had researched about REINCARNATION. Along his study, he interviewed copious people who had memories of their past lives. He discovered that the condition is much more common to children; thus, he made further study of it in collaboration of Dr. Jim Tucker, an associate psychiatry professor at the University of Virgina Medical Center’s Division of Perceptual Studies and Dr. Stevenson’s colleague.

Dr. Tucker collected various cases of studies as regards to reincarnation, documenting the recollection of young children during their past lives. The memories conveyed in the interview include the space and time between the subject’s death and reincarnation toward a new life.

The following is 2 of the most lurching stories among his thousands of compilations:

1. Gus Taylor

Gus story is extremely staggering. He recalled his past life as is grandfather when he was only 18 months old. He told that his grandpa Augie was the one who used to change his diapers. At start, Gus parents just ignore his stories, until a few years passed. One evening, Gus was 4 at that time with his parents were looking at his grandpa’s old photos, which they brought home after the funeral of his grandmother.

Among the many photos, he picked out his grandpa’s picture and identified the car of his grandfather that he even called his own. He also remembered that the tragic murder case of his sister (Augie’s sister) that really took his parents’ attention, since no one told the boy about his grandpa’s sister way of fatality and that her body was casted off into the San Francisco Bay.

2.       James Leininger

This is another interesting story of reincarnation. James was real fanatic with airplanes since birth. He even began dreaming flying and plane accident. Through his nightmares, James started to remember his past life being a fighter pilot. He shared the details, thus, his father spent a little effort researching about James M. Huston Jr.

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