Do you know that there are bizarre facts that exist in the world like the severe disfigurements of people's physical appearance? That's true! Even though that they suffer a lot due to their condition, some of them still survive because of the help of advance medicines applied to them. They live normally but cannot escape from the appalling stares and observations of many people around them; in contrast, others think highly of their courage and braveness as inspiration. 

Below are the world's top 5 individuals who have suffered severe disfigurements physically:

Top#1 ~ Manar maged

Manar maged
Manar Maged also suffered from 'parasitic twin'like Octoman. She was born on 2004 in Cairo. Her head and her twin's are fused but as you can see, her twins has no limbs. She can solely smile, blink, and cry. After 10 months of age, Manarand her twins were brought to the hospital due to severe illness. They underwent surgery but unfortunately her twin died. Manar also died after less than a year from surgery because of brain infection due to the surgery's complications.

Top#2 ~ Rudy Santos Octoman

 Rudy Santos Octoman
Rudy Santos is from Philippines, who suffers from an uncommon condition identified as the 'parasitic twin' or 'Craniopagus parasiticus'. He was acknowledged as the 'Octoman' because of his physical appearance- his abdomen and pelvis have a couple of additional arms and a leg, which were developed when during pregnancy his twin absorbed his body. There are also extra nipples and
not fully formed head with hair and ear. He is the oldest living person with such condition.

Between the years 1070s-1980s, he was recognized as a national celebrity as he traveled to any places for a freak show. As the major attraction of the show, he earned 20 thousand pesos every night. In 2008, he was examined by two doctors and confirmed that they would be capable to remove the parasitic twin from his body; therefore, Rudy refuse to undergo the surgery.

Top#3 ~ Petero Byakatonda

Petero Byakatonda
Petero is from Uganda who suffered severe 'crouzon syndrome' - causes the deformity of skull that pushes the eyeballs out of their sockets while the ears down that makes the sight and hearing senses to malfunction.

Top#4 ~ José Mestre

 José Mestre
Jose from Lisbon, Portugal, who is unfortunate having developed a huge facial malformation. This was started when he was 14 years old that initially grew on his lips. As the years passed, the tumor became bigger and bigger that weighs approximately 5kilograms. because of his condition, his one eye turned blind and he breathe, eat and sleep so hard. 
Jose spent 40 years of his life with no treatment due to misdiagnosis and misinformation in many years of medical, inadequate finances, and he also hesitated to undergo treatment because of his religious beliefs.
Top#5 ~ Dede Koswara

Dede Koswara
Dede is an Indonesian who endure to live with a rare fungal infection, or called as 'Epidermodysplasia verruciformis'. His condition causes huhge, hard fungal growths to stick out from his skin that appears like a tree bark. Dede is no longer performing his basic functions since his hands became so big and heavy. The fungus developed on his whole body but mainly existed on his hands and feet.
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