When a person is diagnosed with leukemia (cancer of blood-forming cells), the feeling of knowing that condition brings us devastation and terror. This desolating illness generally kills our interest to continue to live, but not with Jia Binhui, a 25 years old man from China.

Binhui is a leukemia patient who refuses to get crushed by his illness. Instead of losing hope, he even make a way to heal it.

What makes his treatment process bizarre is the idea of roasting himself. He believes that the heat is effective to destroy the cancerous cells in his body. He made a barbecue contraption where he lay down on top of hot coals in a temperature reaching over 42 Degrees Celsius, yet he is able to tolerate the heat. 

According to him, experts advised him to do this. He stated, “They say experts believe a temperature higher than 42 degrees Celsius can kill cancer cells, so I set up a contraption in my backyard to try.”

Binhui is determined to continue this unorthodox remedy, as he can't afford the cost of the bone marrow transplant needing him to pay £55,000.

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