Magicians, mentalists, illusionists, escapes artists, or any related jobs as mentioned have their component of danger, which can be lethal for beginners and even for experts. See the following 5 bizarre facts about magicians who were killed while they performed their magic tricks:

1. Janaka Basnayake

janaka basnayake
Janaka is a 24-year-old Sri-Lankan who aimed to beat the world record for 'the longest time buried alive'. It is a fact that no person can live without consuming foods and water, more than ever, air as a source to breathe.

Unlike the professional magician David Blaine who spent was buried alive for 6 days, Janaka Basnayake is not professional. Most magicians have an illusion to escape that is why they can trick people as if they spend time being buried, but actually they were not.

It was March 5, 2012, when Janaka made his family agreed to bury him in a 3-meter or 10 ft deep pit, where he was covered with wood and soil. He spent 7 and half hours under the pit before he was being dug up. However, they found the boy not breathing, and it's too late for them to saved him. He was taken him to the hospital but there he was pronounced dead.

It was so sad that The Guinness Book Of World Records did not recognized Janaka Basnayake record because they do not like people attempt to do it, since this action is extremely dangerous.

2. Charles Rowen

charles rowen

Rowen was a renowned escape artist as "Karr the Mysterious" or "Karr the Magician" from South Africa. His top trick was to get away from straight coats and to jump over the stack of broken glass.

Karr was performing tricks in Springfontein, South Africa in 1930. He was endeavoring an exceptionally risky trick, wherein his body was tied up inside a straight coat. The scenario was supposed to be like he should escape from the straight coat before a man drove a car straight at him.

The car reached from 180-meter away, in a speed of 72 per hour or (45 mph). Doing the math, Karr had approximate 10–15 seconds within the period to escape from the straight coat and escape from the approaching car. He was very slow from getting out the straight coat as well as from the approaching car. As a result, he was run over by the car that almost disjoined his leg. Before he died, he forgives the driver for his mistake.

These stories are bizarre facts that truly existed.

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