“Till death do us part” is what this Belgian woman proved to her husband, Marcel H. When Marcel died at the age of 79 due to asthma attack, his dearly loved wife, 69, (name was undisclosed) was felt devastated to the point that she wouldn’t want to let go of him.

World Bizarre FactsWhat she did was even more terrible- she didn’t tell anyone about Marcel’s death. In the name of "Love" she just kept the corpse in their bedroom for 433 days, slept next to the gradually decaying body without minding the ghastly smell until it was unraveled.She placed air fresheners all over to prevent the foul odor from spreading.

There was no one noticed the incident as well as the smell, not until when the landlord of the Brussels apartment they were renting declared that the couple had failed to pay their rental for a year.

A Forensic Center of Liege pathologist, Philippe Boxho, said that Marcel’s corpse had decomposed and his internal organs had liquefied, in which the liquid spread throughout the bed swarmed by insects – a threat to her wife’s health condition.

Watch this video below that details about the story:

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